Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Welcome to Paradise!

From this point on until the earth is consumed by the sun and all traces of humanity are obliterated and forgotten, this blog will be my personal space for rants, raves and whatever quirky little bit of info that pops into my bald little head. Fun fun! For the most part I'm going to review albums, live music, and video games and provide random insights into the life of a struggling punk musician who (not in secret) prefers the blissful pop of Wham! to the Dead Kennedys.

I'm going to try my best to post as much as humanly possible. Granted, there will be days when, by the force of God, a crappy wireless connection or a bad burrito, I may not be able to, but I'll try my damnedest. It's been a long time since I wrote on a regular basis. I've spent the last few years working tirelessly on my music career, not really doing much else. It's not that I'm a procrastinator, I just want to do so much my head gets crammed full of information and I end up writing one sentence, hammering one nail, skinning only one cat a day. So, I end up focusing on one topic, thinking a complete submersion in one thing will lead to something, but, as I've recently come to the conclusion, it's better to be well-rounded to get anywhere. I'm really excited to write again and hope this blog leads to something serious, as I'm a former J-school grad looking to break out of the cafe business.

But anyway, I'll leave dreary life analysis to my spiral notebook. This is my blog and, with time, I plan on turning this into something substantial and worthy of your time. So, if I hear a sick Teenage Bottlerocket album or play some cool game, I'll review it here. If I see a guy in a purple cowboy hat strutting around my neighborhood (which I did today), I'll probably comment on it and somehow tie it into some universal theme just because I can.

Here's to the future and to you for checking me out. Let's do this.

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