Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Honey Roasted Peanuts

That's what I'm eating for the first night in a long time that I've actually felt at home, lying down in an actual comfortable bedroom that feels like my own. In case you're not my girlfriend or bandmate, I've lived as a pseudo-transient over the past few months, crashing on my drummer's living room floor, hiding out at my girlfriend's new house(thanks darling), and spending as little time as humanly possible at my "real" place, the $300 a month bedroom/prison cell I rented from a sweet girl at work with meathead boyfriend on a power trip. Have you ever been reprimanded for picking up a pen from a coffee table and moving it to another nearby table? Or how about had someone complain to you several times about eating their spaghetti sauce (which was actually your own)? Or how about not being allowed to receive mail, can't have your girlfriend over, can't use a plastic cup? I'm sure anyone with half a brain has not and I seem to have finally found my personal other half because I'm outta there! So now I'm really going to start writing in this thing on a regular basis, as I stated before, for I now have daily internet access! Hoorah, It's 1995. This week I'm in the running for internships at Philadelphia Weekly and Wonka Vision magazine. Fingers are crossed and I need to buy a new pair of shoes. Does Converse make dress shoes?